Editorial Policy

SandiaHiking.com is dedicated to providing insightful and current information about hiking in the Sandia Mountains.

Content Sources and Research Methods

We gather information from a variety of credible sources including hiking experts, official park releases, on-site trail experiences, and direct communications with local authorities and stakeholders in the hiking community. Our editorial team conducts thorough research, verifying facts through multiple channels to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our information.

Content Creation Process

All content on SandiaHiking.com is written by experienced journalists and subject matter experts familiar with the Sandia Mountains and hiking. Articles undergo a rigorous editorial process, including review by our senior editors and, when necessary, consultation with legal advisors to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The final approval for any content rests with the Chief Editor.

Quality Assurance Procedures

To maintain the integrity and accuracy of our content, our Quality Assurance team reviews all articles for factual correctness, relevance, and adherence to our journalistic standards before publication. This includes cross-checking trail details, dates, and the authenticity of sources cited.

Conflict of Interest Policies

We require all contributors and staff to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. Any financial or personal interests in a subject matter must be clearly stated within the content or directly to the editorial team, ensuring transparency and fairness in our reporting.

Correction Policy

SandiaHiking.com is committed to accuracy and transparency in all its reporting. Should errors occur, they will be corrected promptly upon discovery, with an added note at the end of the article specifying the nature of the correction and the date it was made.

Contributor Guidelines

Contributors to SandiaHiking.com are expected to adhere to our strict ethical guidelines, which require impartiality, factual accuracy, and independence in reporting. Guidelines are regularly reviewed and provided to contributors at the outset of their assignments.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

All content published on SandiaHiking.com complies with applicable laws concerning media publication and copyright standards. Ethical considerations are guided by principles of fairness, privacy, non-discrimination, and the avoidance of incitement.

Commitment to Standards

SandiaHiking.com is dedicated to upholding the highest journalistic standards and ethical practices in its reporting. We strive to provide our readers with trustworthy and informative content that enriches their hiking experiences in the Sandia Mountains.

Read and find out more about us and our mission!